Our Little Boy

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nursery Pics and Almost Famous

Since Rylan came a whole month early, the nursery was not complete when we came home from the hospital. We had the walls painted and the furniture in, but the little details were not complete. It took 4 months after he was born to complete it. Below are pictures from his nursery...

The Changing Table

The Closet/Window Corner

The Rocker/Reading Corner

The Convertible Crib

The Dresser

The bedding is from www.babybedding.com. I love it. They have lots of cute prints and designs and you can custom create your own color/print combinations using their vast fabric selections. The furniture is from Babies R Us. It scratches easily but other than that, we're happy with it. We hope it will at least last into his teens! There is a sign above his bed that reads, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee Lord my soul to keep."

It didn't take long for Rylan to become somewhat of a "celebrity." Tommy at 360 Wraps (who wrapped Rylan's DOC Band) started a NPO for his free wrapping services called Wrap Buddies (formerly DOC Buddies). He featured a picture of Rylan on the front page. Check it out! The link is www.wrapbuddies.com