Our Little Boy

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 12, 2009


It's been almost a year since I've started this blog. This time last year I was newly pregnant, wondering what the next year of my life would bring. What a year it has been! I admit I haven't been the best blogger in the world. But, I've done the best I can and I hope the more we get out as he gets older, the more things I'll have to blog about. The fall weather has finally arrived, and unfortunately it has been accompanied by lots of rain and gloomy days. It's been awhile since we've seen the sun.

September was a busy month around here. We attempted to take Rylan to St. Ann's carnival for the first time, but it rained NON-STOP the entire weekend from midday Friday to some time the following week. So his first carnival was a wash...literally! We also celebrated my 26th birthday. I got to get back to the spa for my bday and got my first massage since the pregnancy. It was the best! I really needed that, especially after carrying around an infant all day! I don't feel older when birthdays roll around, but what does make me feel older is seeing people like my sister turn 21! People seem to freeze at a certain age to me...even those you see alot. And when you see someone you haven't seen in a long time (like a 4 year old who is almost 15 now) or see your sister hit a "milestone" age, it makes you feel really old!

Rylan is coming up on 8 months this week and it is a painful reminder of how fast the time has flown by. I see baby shows on tv now and think that the babies on the show are so small! Its hard to believe Rylan was that size. He has outgrown his infant carrier and is moving into a big boy car seat. He weighed in at 18lbs, 1oz at the pediatricians office this morning, and was a very brave boy for his flu shot. He didn't even cry! He just looked at me like he was waiting for a lollipop or a bottle or something. While he's not quite ready for lollipops yet, he has eaten his first bites of REAL solid food! He likes the Gerber Graduates Puffs and Lil' Crunchies (kinda like Cheetos Lite). He has also tried rolls, tortillas, strawberries, Cheerios and a couple other random things. He's becoming an excellent chewer, and now has the help of his one and only tooth! This tooth has been "coming in" for quite some time, but right before it broke through, Rylan started chewing like crazy! He chewed on his fingers, his sleeves, toys, teething rings, food, and even his toes again (he hasn't done that in awhile).

I'm excited to have our first real family portraits taken this weekend. We went and bought Rylan a particularly cute winter outfit for the pictures, complete with matching beanie and handsome loafers. I'm also excited for the Pumpkin Patch and Halloween. Part of the fun of having children is participating in these events and seeing it through their eyes, making it a whole new adventure. I'll post pictures as soon as I get them.

And now I must be turning in for the night. Tuesday are "go in the office" days, so I have to get up earlier than usual to drop Rylan off and commute to work. I am going to finish my book before I head to bed. I have started pleasure reading again for the first time in about 20 years. "Forced reading" at school kind of ruined the pleasure reading for me, but during the last year I have slowly started reading again and can see why so many do it as a hobby. It is a relaxing way to wind down at the end of a long day. Sweat Dreams.

1 comment:

Alison said...

First off - WOW..your sister's turning 21? I remember she was only like 10 or 11 when we used to hang out. Talk about making you feel old! Sheesh!

Second off - wow...I can't believe Rylan's 8 months. Wait, yes I can...Ethan will be 6 on the 2nd of November.

Can't wait to see those pictures!