Our Little Boy

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back To Reality

It's official...maternity leave is over. The doctor (OBGYN) gave me a "clean bill of health" and a piece of advice; she said don't get pregnant for at least a year! I told her that wouldn't be a problem. I wonder if they tell everyone that or just me since I have BP issues. I am pretty agitated with my fluctuating BP; one doc says its fine while the other says its not...one says its post-partum while the other says chronic. I'm not sure who to believe. I do know I don't want to be on medication for the rest of my life, so I guess its back to the gym/diet. If I lost 50lbs once, I can do it again!

I returned to work yesterday after 7 weeks off (1 pre-birth in the hospital and 6 after). I don't want to make a habit of talking about work on my blog, but suffice it to say its going to be a very long and very busy couple of months. Although I am blessed to work from home, I am learning it is not easy to work and take care of a newborn at the same time! If you see me out and about this spring, don't be surprised if I look like a zombie!

As I mentioned in my previous post, Rylan went back to the pediatrician Tuesday for a 6 week weight check. I am happy to report that he was up to 9lbs, 6 oz and has risen to the 18th percentile! The doctor seemed happy with his progress. Unfortunately, we also discovered he has an umbilical hernia. These hernias occur when the abdominal wall doesn't completely close before birth which causes part of the intestines to protrude through the hole and behind the naval. It isn't painful and should clear up on its own. So for now, my son has a glorified "outie" that gets bigger when he's fussy!

One thing that hasn't changed from our "old reality" (pre-baby)....eating dinner before 9:00pm. I guess I should go eat. :)

1 comment:

buscher3 said...

Umm..yeah, anyone getting pregnant before their baby's a year is out of their mind! Most are probably not expected pregnancies since if you nurse, your period could be delayed up to the time you quit nursing. No one knows when theirs will return and aren't taking precaution before hand. If you're nursing, I'd suggest taking the birth control safe for nursing mothers that is progesterone (or progestine..can't remember) only. You can start that even now.

But I think it's pretty common advice to have people wait at least a year. It takes at least that long for your body to completely return to normal from the trauma that it sees during 9 months of pregnancy and delivery.

I got pregnant again when Zoe was 1 yr and 2 weeks old...not exactly planned, but we were "trying again". We both just figured it would take a few months of trying before pregnancy would come. Not the case!! :-)